Jeyda Deyna Elsässer Interview with YouAccel on Freelancing
YouAccel recently had an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive Q&A session with Jeyda Deyna Elsässer. Through her years of experience in freelancing for a number of small to enterprise level clients, Jeyda showcases her insights and expertise in this rapidly evolving sector. The interview starts with an introduction into Jeyda’s unique journey and goes through a plethora of questions geared towards aspiring freelancers.
Jeyda is a well-seasoned career professional with some major clients under her belt. Among some of the most notable names, Jeyda’s client list includes Hudson’s Bay, where she worked in the realm of Freelance Digital Marketing. She’s also worked with companies like StileSpace , Design Within Reach, and her most recent, Denison Gallery.
Just as exciting as Jeyda’s freelancing experiences, is the dynamic fluidity of her job descriptions. Equipped with an Honours degree from Ryerson University, Jeyda initially started her freelance journey in the field of web design. However, tackling clients — each with their own complex set of requirements wasn’t enough. Jeyda took her skills to new heights by marrying her passions in culture and art, with her new found aptitude for web technology. When she’s not out on the water parasailing, Jeyda can be found negotiating corporate art deals, or enriching lives through online Art Chats on her personal website over at jeydadeyna.com.
The contents of the interview with Jeyda was reminiscent of an article written last November, by author and YouAccel contributor, Lissette Maduro which illustrated the emergence of a growing trend of professionals opting to work as freelancers. The article published statistics indicating that 60 million Americans currently list their occupations as a freelancer. Lissette also references a 2019 Freelancing in America report that states 53% of millennials now consider themselves as active freelancers.
Freelancing is one of the largest growing industries in modern times, and a post-Covid world suggests this trend is poised to grow. Global pandemics have a strange way of rewriting history, and redefining the possibilities and limitations of industrial progression. Observations suggest that an internationally distributed work force, zoom conferences, and distance training are no longer the future, but could very well define our new present.
The interview is a must see for those interested in overcoming the challenges of freelancing, especially during the early stages of a freelance business. Jeyda provides an in-depth overview of services freelancers can use when embarking on their journey. Furthermore, she touches on freelancing platforms such as Fiverr and UpWork which hold the top spot when it comes to facilitating transactions in the “gig” economy. The interview also provides helpful tips for new freelancers in areas like marketing, staying motivated, and dealing with difficult clients. Ever wondered how to go about firing a client or collecting overdue invoices? Jeyda bravely tackles these types of questions and many more during the session.
For more information on connecting with Jedya and accessing the full interview, refer to the links below.
- Full Length Interview on YouTube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxC9SeaxIxk - Jeyda Deyna Elsässer on the web:
For more information, contact:
YouAccel Public Relations
Originally published at https://youaccel.com on June 7, 2020.