YouAccel recently had the opportunity to conduct a comprehensive Q&A style interview with Matthew Rolnick. The interview was conducted as part of an initiative to add valuable new content to YouAccel’s line up of Entrepreneurship and Freelancing courses. Matthew Rolnick is currently the VP of sales at Yaymaker, a company devoted to enriching lives through exciting social experiences and live virtual events. To date, Yaymaker has hosted over 300,000 events including paint “nites”, cookie decorating, and wreath making.
In the hour long session, Matthew Rolnick speaks about his experiences working for some of the biggest brands in North America, including Groupon and Tribune. Matthew’s list of business accomplishments made him the perfect candidate for aspiring entrepreneurs to gain valuable insights from. In his role at Groupon, Matthew acted as the divisional sales manager in the Health & Wellness category. Matthew helped the company generate a staggering 2M+ in sales within his first year. Matthew and his wife also run a successful property investment company through their ownership stake in a HomeVestors franchise.
The interview touches on several key aspects of the entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship journey that defined Matthews’s career path over the last several years. Through his detailed responses to difficult questions, the interview showcased the aptitude and wisdom Matthew has accumulated over his work life. Matthew provided a glimpse into his view of entrepreneurship, and many of the pitfalls new business owners should avoid. He also touches on the importance of consistency, and other imperative character traits that help ensure entrepreneurial success. Towards the end of the session Matthew takes on tough questions from students including tips on avoiding social isolation, and tackling uncomfortable situations.
The Q&A session are an absolute must-see for anyone aspiring to enter the world of entrepreneurship.
YouAccel has already signaled at the possibility of working with Matthew again on additional modules that delve into other facets of business.
Watch the full interview here.
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